Looking for Clowns in New York?

Picture of Gabooba, The Amazing Danny, New York City entertainer, goofing it up and playing with balloonsHi! My name is Amazing Danny!

Are you looking for clowns in New York? Well, I’ve got some great news! You just found one! You also found a magician, comedian, clarinet player, balloon animal maker and face painter, all wrapped up in one!

Need more than one clown? The great thing about being a clown in NYC for over 15 years is that I’ve met many other talented performers. Jugglers, makeup artists, puppeteers, I’ve met them all. I have a lot of close friends that I work with, so if you need more performers, I can call up one of my clown buddies and we can both perform!

But I don’t just perform children’s parties. I also perform at corporate events, baseball games and nursing homes. Check out my full list of services and appearances(I’ve been on multiple TV shows and have been seen all around NYC) and then contact me via clown mail for a quote!

Here’s to having a truly hilarious party!